Thomas Carey

Tom Carey

Research Professor Emeritus
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education


Primary Email: [email protected]

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Dr. Tom Carey was a Research Professor in the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education at San Diego State University. Dr. Thomas Carey was previously a Professor and Associate Vice-President at the University of Waterloo. Tom has also held other senior academic positions in Canada (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, B.C. Association of Institutes and Universities) and in the U.S. (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, California State University Office of the Chancellor, California Community Colleges Success Network).
Projects at CRMSE included a collaboration on Math Teaching Professional Communities for state community colleges systems in CA and WA; the Faculty Knowledge Exchange Networks program for the California community colleges; two NSF projects to create a national resource collection for developmental mathematics instruction and to integrate its use into institutional activities; and serving as Senior Partner for Network Growth at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
Related work in Canada included research team projects for the Higher Education Quality Council of OntarioHow Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher EducationLearning Outcomes Assessment A Practitioner’s Handbook, and Research Study on a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching in Ontario Higher Education; two research team projects for the Council of Ontario Universities (Faculty Support for Teaching with Online Learning and Assessment Support for Teaching with Online Learning); and executive consultations on strategy for teaching and learning at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Thompson Rivers University, and Queen’s University in Canada.
After retiring from his CRMSE position, Tom was a co-founder in 2019 of the non-profit Workplace Innovation Network for Canada (, which supports higher education and workplace partnerships to develop a more innovative workforce in Canada. One of Tom’s roles with WINCan is coordinating an award-winning collaboration of academic institutions, which currently includes eight diverse institutions across Canada (and beyond). Each institution creates a distinctive approach to help their learners develop capability for innovation in the workplace, adapting insights and learning resources from other institutions and contributing their own in return.


Ph.D., M.Math., University of Waterloo (Canada)
B.A. (Hon.), University of Windsor (Canada)


Carey, T., Baregheh, A, Nobis, F. and Stevenson, M. (2023).  Leveraging a Diverse Collaboration in Tertiary Education to Develop Capability for Workplace Innovation. European Journal of Workplace Innovation 8(1), pp. 105-135.
Carey, T., Frye, A., Melnick, B., Baregheh, A., Anderson, T., Abboud, V., Castela Lopes, N., Iyilade, Y., Soleas, E. and Totterdill, P. (2023). Inclusive Workplace Innovation and Quality of Work, Government of Canada Future Skills Centre.
Carey, T. and J. Zlotnik (2022). Sustaining Innovation Capabilities Beyond COVID: A New & Distinctive Role for Polytechnics. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 4(1). Also the subject of an interview in Humber’s Research and Innovation Quarterly, Issue #5 – October 2022.
Nobis, F., Stevenson, M. Baregheh, A., and T. Carey (2022). Engaging Students with an Adaptable Model for Workplace Innovation Capability. Anthology of Case Stories. 8th Teaching Innovation & Entrepreneurship Excellence Awards 2022.Remenyi, D. (ed.). Academic Conferences International.
Baregheh, A., Carey, T. and G. O’Connor (2022). Beyond the Champion – Governance and Management of Strategic Innovation in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. In Governance and Management in Higher Education, Sengupta, E. Blessinger, P. and N. Nezaami (eds), Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning Vol 43, Emerald Publishing Group 173-201.
Carey, T. and Ferreras, F. (2020). Polytechnic Education: Enduring Purpose and Practice Futures. Chapter 3 in Polytechnic Education: a Vision for Ontario (Whittaker, C. and Nieman, S., eds) p. 80-102. Humber Press Online.
Carey,  T., Dastur, F. & Karaush, I. (2019). Workplace Innovations and Practice Futures. Chapter 20 in Higgs, J., Cork, S. & Horsfall, D. (Eds), Challenging Future Practice Possibilities. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense Publishers 2019.
Gavilanez, P., Ortlieb, A. and T. Carey (2017). Using a Value Cycle Framework to Analyze Teamwork Capability as a Learning Outcome in Interior Design Studio Courses, chapter to appear in Tucker, R. (ed), Teaching Teamwork in Design, Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education. Hershey PA: IGI Global Publishing. Reprinted in the anthology Learning and Performance Assessment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Information Resources Management Association (ed.) IGI Global. 2020. Chapter 10,  197-223.

Carey, T., Davis, A., Ferreras, S., & Porter, D. (2015).  Using Open Educational Practices to Support Institutional Strategic Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Scholarship. Open Praxis, 7(2), 161-171. doi:10.5944/openpraxis.7.2.201

​Goff, L., M. K. Potter, E. Pierre, T.T. Carey, A. Gullage, E. Kustra, R. Lee, V. Lopes, L. Marshal, L. Martin, J. Raffoul, A. Siddiqui, and G. Van Gastel. Learning Outcomes Assessment: A Practitioner’s Handbook. Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Research Report 13/14- 008, 2015.

Carey, T. and B. Carbol, Faculty Support for Teaching with Online Learning. Council of Ontario Universities Research Report, OOLI – 01, 2014.

Carbol, B. and T. Carey, Assessment Support for Teaching with Online Learning. Council of Ontario Universities Research Report, OOLI – 02, 2014.

Asera, R., T. Carey, M. Davis, W. Moore, C. Walker and S. Williams. Improving Mathematics Learning in Community Colleges: Building a Professional Community of Teachers, California Community Colleges Success Network and Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, May 2014.

Carey. T., “Perspectives on Quality Teaching in Higher Education: Learning Outcomes, Exemplar and Model”, invited foreword for Cases on Quality Teaching Practices in Higher Education, Diane Salter, Editor. IGI press, 2013.

Carey, T. and D. Trick, How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan and Review of the Literature. Higher Education Research Council, Research Report 12/13-003, 2013.