Michael O'Sullivan

Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education
Primary Email: [email protected]
Geology Mathematics Computer Science - 579
Website Links
Areas of Specialization
Research Interests (roughly in reverse chronologically)
- Algebraic Statistics: This is my current passion.
- The geometry of the space of entropy vectors for n random variables (the entropic polymatroids).
- The combinatorics of probabilistic models: graphoids, semigraphoids and such.
- Bayesian Reasoning on directed acyclic graphs, and generalizations to other probablistic models.
- Algebraic Geometry Codes and Decoding
- Dimension and minimum distance for codes from curves and other varieties.
- Decoding algorithms that generalize the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.
- Interpolation decoding using Groebner basis techniques following Sudan's list-decoding breakthrough.
- Algebraic Statistics: This is my current passion.
- Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
Creation of good LDPC codes using basic number theory.
Analysis of the sum-product algorithm.
- Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
- Ring-linear Codes Bounds for ring-linear codes generalizing MacWilliams work.
- Algebraic Curves and Surfaces
Graduate studies on linkage theory and generalized divisors on Gorenstein curves.
My thesis was on divisor classes on normal cubic surfaces.
Research Grants
- National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, "Decoding of Algebraic Geometry Codes: Theoretical Analysis, Efficient Algorithms, Practical Implementation," PI: M. E. O'Sullivan (7/2009).
- National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, "Collaborative Research: Improving Low-Density Parity-Check Codes Through Algebraic Analysis of the Sum-Product Algorithm," PIs: M. E. O'Sullivan, J. Brevik (CSULB), R. Wolski (UCSB) (2/2007).
- Korea Research Foundation, Postdoctoral Foreign Study Grant, PI M. E. O'Sullivan. Supported one-year postdoctoral position for Kwankyu Lee (7/2005-6/2006).
- National Science Foundation, Division of Networking and Communication Research and Infrastructure: "High-Performance Decoding of Algebraic Codes beyond their Packing Radii," PI R. Blahut (UIUC) (8/2000-7/2003). I was an investigator.
- National Science Foundation, Division of Networking and Communication Research and Infrastructure grant, "Implementation and Applications of Practical Codes on Curves," PI R. Blahut (UIUC), Co-PI M. E. O'Sullivan, (7/1998-6/2000).
- National Science Foundation, Small Business Innovations Research Grant, "Construction of a Decoder for an Algebraic Geometry Code," PI M. E. O'Sullivan. Phase I (2/1993-10/1993) and Phase II (7/1994-9/1996).
- Department of Energy, Small Business Cooperative Research and Development Grant (9/1994-12/1994): Joint work with the Computer Research Group at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Educational Grants
- SDSU President's Leadership Fund, "A Discrete Mathematics Problem Library for Online Homework," PI: M. E. O'Sullivan, CoPI: Tom Schmidt (2012).
- SDSU President's Leadership Fund, "Incorporating Computational Software into Mathematics Courses," PI: M. E. O'Sullivan, coPI: David Monarres (2009).
- SDSU Travel grant, "Research Collaboration in Applied Algebra with the National University of Ireland." (5-6/2004).
K. Lee, M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "Unique decoding of general AG codes," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60 (2014),no. 4, pp. 2038-2053.arXiv:1210.3101
F. Hernando, M.E. O'Sullivan,D. Ruano, "List decoding of repeated codes," Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, 24 (2013), no. 3-4, pp. 237-253. arXiv:1202.1238
F. Hernando, K. Marshall, M. E. O'Sullivan, "The dimension of subcode-subfields of shortened generalized Reed-Solomon codes," Designs, Codes, Cryptography, 69 (2013), pp. 131-142. arXiv:1108.5475
K. Lee, M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "Unique decoding of plane AG codes via interpolation." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (2012), no. 6, pp. 3941-3950. arXiv:1110.6251
K. Lee, M. E. O'Sullivan, "Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Hermitian Codes" IEEE Transaction on Information Theory 56 (2010) no. 6, pp. 2587-2600. arXiv:0807.4995
K. Lee, M. E. O'Sullivan, "List Decoding of Hermitian Codes using Groebner Bases" Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40 (2009) 12, 1662-1675. arXiv:cs/0610132
K. Lee, M. E. O'Sullivan, "Sudan's List Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes from a Groebner Basis Perspective," Journal of Symbolic Computation 43 (2008), no. 9, 645--658. arXiv:cs/0601022
M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "Redundancies of Correction-Capability-Optimized Reed-Muller Codes," Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (2008), no. 15, 3005-3010. arXiv:cs/0609160
M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "Duality for Several Families of Evaluation Codes," Advances in the Mathematics of Communications, 2 (2008), no. 1, 15--33. arXiv:cs/0609159
M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "The Order Bound on the Minimum Distance of the One-Point Codes Associated to a Garcia-Stichtenoth Tower of Function Fields,"IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53, (2007), no. 11, 4241-4245. arXiv:cs/0609161
M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "On Semigroups Generated by Two Consecutive Integers and Improved Hermitian Codes," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53 (2007), no. 7, 2560--2566. arXiv:cs/0609162
E. Byrne, M. Greferath, M. E. O'Sullivan, "The Linear Programming Bound for Codes over Finite Frobenius Rings," Designs, Codes and Cryptography 42 (2007), no. 3, 289--301.
E. Byrne, M. E. O'Sullivan, M. Greferath, "Errata for: `The linear programming bound for codes over finite Frobenius rings' " Designs, Codes, Cryptography, 45 (2007), no. 2, 269--270.
M. Greferath, G. McGuire, M. E. O'Sullivan, "On Plotkin Optimal Codes over Finite Frobenius Rings," Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 5 (2006), no. 6, 799--815.
M. Bras-Amoros, M. E. O'Sullivan, "The Correction Capability of the Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata Algorithm with Majority Voting," Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing 17 (2006), no. 5, 315--335.
M. E. O'Sullivan, "Algebraic Construction of Sparse Matrices with Large Girth," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 52, pp. 718-727, 2006.
M. Greferath, M. E. O'Sullivan, "On Bounds for Codes over Frobenius Rings under Homogeneous Weights," Discrete Mathematics, vol. 289, pp. 11-24, 2004.
M. E. O'Sullivan, "On Koetter's Algorithm and the Computation of Error Values," Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 31, pp. 169-188, 2004. ps.gz file
M. E. O'Sullivan, "The Key Equation for One-Point Codes and Efficient Error Evaluation" Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 169, issue 2-3, pp. 295-320, 2002. ps.gz file
M. E. O'Sullivan, "New Codes for the Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata Algorithm," Finite Fields and Their Applications, vol. 7, pp. 293-317, 2001.
M. E. O'Sullivan, "Decoding of Hermitian Codes: The Key Equation and Efficient Error Evaluation," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 512-523, 2000.
M. E. O'Sullivan, "Decoding of Codes Defined by a Single Point on a Curve," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, special issue on algebraic geometry codes, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1709-1719, 1995.