Ricardo Nemirovsky

Ricardo Nemirovsky

Professor Emeritus, Research Professor
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education


Primary Email: [email protected]


Manchester Metropolitan University
Education and Social Research Institute
Manchester, United Kingdom

Website Links


Ricardo Nemirovsky has a background in physics, which he studied in his native Argentina, Mexico and the US. He became interested in science education and earned his Doctor of Education degree at Harvard in 1992. Since then he has been the co-director of the Research Center at TERC, an educational non-profit organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Nemirovsy's research program focuses on an investigation of the embodied nature of cognition, with an emphasis on the roles of body motion and kinesthesia in mathematics learning. Proponents of embodied cognition hold that cognitive processes are deeply rooted in the body's interactions with the world and with others and that perceptuo-motor activity is embedded in the use and production of tools and symbols. Dr. Nemirovsky's pioneering research on the embodied nature of cognition and on the creative use of mathematical artifacts has been influential and has resulted in a number of well-cited papers. Over the past ten years, he has obtained over $9 million in external funding. At the national level and international levels, Dr. Nemirovsky has distinguished himself as a leader who works with a broad variety of researchers ranging from physicists to semioticians and most recently cognitive neuroscientists. Additionally, he has designed numerous mechanical devices and software to enrich the learning of mathematics, including several math-oriented exhibits for science and technology museums.

Dr. Nemirovsky is a former Director of CRMSE. Currently, he holds a position as a Research Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University (in Manchester, UK), in the Education & Social Research Institute.