Randolph Philipp

Randy Philipp

Professor of Mathematics Education
School of Teacher Education
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education


Primary Email: [email protected]


6475 Alvarado Rd
San Diego, CA 92120

Website Links


I grew up in the San Fernando Valley in California, where I earned a degree in mathematics and then a fifth year single-subject teaching credential in mathematics. I worked my way through college "busting tires" at Sears, and in my spare time I taught CPR courses for the American National Red Cross and I served as a Big Brother of Greater Los Angeles. I spent the next two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer teaching mathematics at a junior high school and in a teacher training institute in Liberia, West Africa, where, while out for a run one afternoon in the bush, I decided I enjoyed working with prospective teachers even though I did not know what I was doing. I decided then to pursue a graduate degree in mathematics education. I returned to the U.S. and taught mathematics in an inner-city Los Angeles high school and then in Canyon Country, north of Los Angeles. While teaching, I worked on an M.S. degree in mathematics at night and I also served on a crisis intervention help-line. Upon finishing my M.S. degree, I married, moved to Wisconsin, and studied for my doctorate under the direction of Tom Carpenter.


  • Ph. D., Mathematics Education (Minor:  Mathematics and Educational Psychology)  University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.S., B.A, Mathematics, Cal. State University-Northridge
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential, Mathematics, Cal. State University-Northridge

Areas of Specialization

I have devoted much of my research and teaching to understanding and working with prospective and practicing elementary and secondary mathematics teachers, and to support this work, we have developed video of children’s mathematical thinking. The CD, which is used in several of our courses, is available through Pearson/Prentice Hall. 

Awards & Honors

2013 San Diego State University President's Leadership Fund Faculty and Staff Excellence Award.  This award was presented to five people by SDSU President Elliot Hirshman on the basis of the impact one has on SDSU’s campus and local communities.  A $5,000 stipend for ongoing work was associated with this award.

2013, American Educational Research Association Division K Research Award for edited book: Sherin, M. G., Jacobs, V. R., & Philipp, R. A. (Eds.). (2011). Mathematics teacher noticing: Seeing through teachers’ eyes. New York:  Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). 


Co-Principal Investigator, Studying Teachers' Evolving Perspectives (STEP): A Cross-Sectional Snapshot of Teachers Engaged in Sustained Professional Development Focused on Children's Mathematical Thinking

Integrating Mathematics and Pedagogy (IMAP): An Investigation of the Effects on Elementary Preservice Teachers' Beliefs and Learning of Mathematics


  • Whitacre, I., Bishop, J. P., Philipp, R. A., Lamb, L. L., Bagley, S., & Schappelle, B. P. (2015). ‘Negative of my money, positive of her money’: secondary students’ ways of relating equations to a debt context. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 46(2), 234 249. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2014.956822)
  • Jacobs, V., Martin, H., Ambrose, R, & Philipp, R. A. (2014). Warning Signs: Recognize three common instructional moves that are generally followed by taking over children’s thinking. Teaching Children Mathematics, 21(2), 107–113.
  • Whitacre, I., Bishop, J. P., Philipp, R. A., Lamb, L. L., & Schappelle, B.P. (2014). Dollars and Sense: Students’ Integer Perspectives. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20(2), 84–89.
  • Philipp, R. A. (2014). Research on teachers’ focusing on children’s teaching in learning to teach: Teacher noticing and learning trajectories. J. J. Lo, K. R. Leatham, and L. R. Van Zoest (Eds.), Research Trends in Mathematics Teacher Education. Springer.
  • Bishop, J. P., Lamb, L. C., Philipp, R. A., Whitacre, I., & Schappelle, B.P. (2014). Using Order to Reason About Negative Numbers: The Case of Violet. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 86(1), 39–59.
  • Bishop, J. P., Lamb, L. L., Philipp, R. A., Whitacre, I., Schappelle, B. P., & Lewis., M. L. (2014). Obstacles and Affordances for Integer Reasoning: An Analysis of Children’s Thinking and the History of Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 45(1), 19–61.


2016-present. President, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

2011-2014, Chair, Digital Library of Practice Advisory Group (DLPAG), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

National Advisory Boards
Advisory Board Member, Theorizing and Advancing Teachers’ Responsive Decision Making in the Domain of Rational Numbers.  Susan Empson, University of Texas, and Victoria Jacobs, University of North Carolina-Greensboro, 2013­–2018.

Advisory Board Member, Mathematical Knowledge for Equitable Teaching: Exploring opportunities to enable Elementary pre-service teachers to develop ambitious and equitable teaching practices.  Imani Goffney and Jen Chauvot, University of Houston, 2012 – present.

Advisory Board Member, Mathematically Significant Pedagogical Openings to Build on Student Thinking (MOST).  Laura Van Zoest, Western Michigan University; Shari Stockero, Michigan Technological Institute; Keith Leatham and Blake Peterson, Brigham Young University, 2012 – present.

Advisory Board Member, Learning to Support Productive Collective Argumentation in Secondary Mathematics Classes, National Science Foundation Early Career Grant, AnnaMarie Conner, University of Georgia, 2012-2017.

Advisory Board Member, Learning to Learn from Teaching.  National Science Foundation Early Career Grant, Rossella Santagata, PI, University of California, Irvine, 2010–2015.

Advisory Board Member, Connecting Mathematics for Elementary Teachers.  NSF-funded Division of Undergraduate Education, David Feikes, PI, 2010–2014.

Advisory Board Member, Mathematics Discourse in Secondary Classrooms (M-DISC): A Case-Based Professional Development Curriculum  NSF-funded DRK-12, Development of Resources and Tools Project. Beth Herberl-Eisenmann, Michael Steele, & Michelle Cirillo, PIs, 2009 - 2014.

Advisory Board Member, Constructing Coherence: Elementary Teachers’ Strategies for Using Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum Materials, National Science Foundation Early Career Grant, Corey Drake, Iowa State University, 2007 - 2014.