Mary E. Pilgrim

Mary Pilgrim

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Director, Math & Stat Learning Center
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education


Primary Email: [email protected]


Geology Mathematics Computer Science - 581
6475 Alvarado Rd
San Diego
CA, 92103


Website Links


I hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Colorado State University. My research area is in undergraduate mathematics education. I have expertise in mathematics course and curriculum development at the undergraduate level, with efforts focused on implementing active and inquiry-focused strategies in the classroom. I connect the use of evidence-based practices to the professional development of post-secondary instructors and study the sustainability such of change efforts at the department level.


Collaborative Research: Mathematics Persistence through Inquiry and Equity: Redeveloping Gateway Mathematics in a Two-year HSI to Promote Success in STEM, Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, 06/01/2020 – 05/31/2025. Award Numbers 1953713 and 1953753. $2,198,757.

Collaborative Research: Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistant Professional Development Focused on Implementation of Evidence-based Teaching Practices, Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, 10/01/2020 – 09/30/2025. Award Numbers 2013590, 2013563, and 2013422. $2,112,498.


Reinholz, D., L., Pilgrim, M. E., Stone-Johnstone, A., Falkenberg, K., Geanious, C., Ngai, C., Corbo, J., & Wise, S. (2021). Focus on outcomes: Fostering systemic departmental improvements. To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development, 40(2).

*Martinez, A., & Pilgrim, M. E. (2021). Harmonizing course coordination and local data through online grading platforms. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-11.

Reinholz, D. L., & Pilgrim, M. E. (2021). Student sensemaking of proofs at various distances: The role of epistemic, rhetorical, and ontological distance in the peer review process. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106(2) 211-229.

Pilgrim, M. E., McDonald, K. K., Offerdahl, E. G., Ryker, K., Shadle, S. E., Stone-Johnstone, A., & Walter, E. M. (2020). An exploratory study of what different theories can tell us about change. In K. White, A. Beach, N. Finkelstein, C. Henderson S. Simkins, L. Slakey, M. Stains, G. Weaver, & L. Whitehead (Eds), Transforming institutions: Accelerating systemic change in higher education (pp. 97-108). Accelerating Systemic Change in STEM Higher Education Network. Pressbooks.

Pilgrim, M. E., Apkarian, N., Milbourne, H., & O’Sullivan, M. (2020). From rough waters to calm seas: The challenges and successes of building a GTA PD program. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 31(3-5), 594-607.