Noyce Projects at CRMSE

Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education

San Diego


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and science (including engineering and computer science) teachers. The program invites creative and innovative proposals that address the critical need for recruiting and preparing highly effective elementary and secondary science and mathematics teachers in high-need local educational agencies. The program has four tracks:

  • Track 1:  Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships and Stipends
  • Track 2: NSF Teaching Fellowships
  • Track 3: NSF Master Teaching Fellowships
  • Track 4: Noyce Research

Here at CRMSE we have several current Noyce Projects: 

Leveraging Technology for Justice-Oriented Science Teaching Track 1:  Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarships and Stipends project for future Science Teachers.  In this project we support undergraduate science students to explore their fitness and interest in teaching through early field experiences. We also provide scholarships, workshops, and mentoring for science credential students.  We are currently recruiting students who will be entering the science credential program within the next three years.

Advancing Teacher Leadership in Urban Schools through the Noyce Mathematics and Science Master Teaching Fellowship Program (ATLUS) Track 3: NSF Master Teaching Fellowships. In this project we support experienced STEM teachers through several components.  The Master Teaching Fellows receive a fellowship and participate in lab rotations, university teaching experiences, research, and professional development opportunities.  

Western Regional Noyce Network (WRRN). Track 1: Special Submission. This project provides professional development opportunities for all Noyce projects in the Western Region of the United States.  It includes an annual conference for participants from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon,Texas, Utah, and Washington. It also includes week-long and weekend workshops for participants, regional networking events associated with statewide educator conferences hosted by professional societies, and robust formative and impact evaluation of the aforementioned activities in promoting the overall project goal of leveraging and expanding the network to further enhance Noyce participants’ persistence and success. WRRN project website.

Noyce Teacher Innovation Project. Track 1: Special Submission. This project seeks to strengthen the networks of STEM teachers at school sites where Noyce MTFs work.  As part of the project, MTFs lead their colleagues in a series of Affirming Learning Walks.