Daniel Reinholz

Daniel Reinholz

Pronouns: they/he
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education


Primary Email: [email protected]


6475 Alvarado Rd.
San Diego, CA 92120

Website Links


Dr. Reinholz (they/he) studies how to revolutionize STEM education. Drawing from a disability justice perspective, Dr. Reinholz analyzes how interlocking systems of oppression work together to marginalize students in STEM. Dr. Reinholz leads transformative professional development efforts organized around the EQUIP classroom observation tool, which provides actionable data to address racial and gender inequities in classroom participation. Beyond the classroom level, he applies organizational learning theories to understand how to scale and sustain meaningful changes.

See Dr. Reinholz's web site for more information.

Professional Experience

2021–present: Associate Professor, San Diego State University
2016–2021: Assistant Professor, San Diego State University
2014–2016: Research Associate, Center for STEM Learning, University of Colorado, Boulder


Ph.D., 2014, University of California, Berkeley, Mathematics and Science Education
M.S., 2009, Colorado State University, Mathematics
B.S., 2007, Colorado State University, Electrical Engineering

Areas of Specialization

Equity analytics; systemic change; disability justice.


Secondary mathematics (Colorado, grades 7-12): 2016


CAREER: Data Analytics for Equity: Supporting STEM Faculty to Address Implicit Bias in the Classroom (NSF 1943146: $961,017). PI Daniel Reinholz. 06/01/2020 - 05/31/2025.

Collaborative Research: Mathematics Persistence through Inquiry and Equity: Redeveloping Gateway Mathematics in a Two-year HSI to Promote Success in STEM (NSF 1953713 & 1953753: $2,198,757). PIs: Mary Pilgrim, Daniel Reinholz, Bill Zahner, Bohdan Rhodehamel, Alexandra Hofler, Silvia Nadalet, & Mourad Mjahed. 06/01/2020 - 05/31/2025.


List of Publications