Gena Sbeglia

Gena Sbeglia

Assistant Professor of Biology
Department of Biology
Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education


Primary Email: [email protected]


6475 Alvarado Rd
San Diego, CA 92120

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Gena Sbeglia is a biology education researcher with a focus on the cognitive and psychosocila contributions to meaningful biology learning. Her work seeks to improve the quality, equity, and assessment of undergraduate biology instruction. After studying behavior and genetics of lemurs in Madagascar for her doctorate, Sbeglia transitioned into a focus on discipline-based education research during her postdoctoral work.

She planes to collaborate with faculty in the Department of Biology and in the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education who share her passion for and expertise in measuring learning at a public and inclusive institution. In Spring 2023, she put her research and five years of undergraduate teaching experience into practice when she taught BIOL 204, Principles of Organismal Biology, as an evidence-based, flipped active learning classroom.

Moving from her home state of New York, Sbeglia is excited to take her young kids hiking and to get back into sewing Halloween costumes and other projects.