Thomas Carey

Click the link for recent (June 2016) news concerning Tom Carey

Dr. Tom Carey works as a “connector, coach and catalyst" in leadership strategy and faculty collaborations for exemplary teaching and learning environments, across higher education institutions and systems in Canada and the U.S. He is a Research Professor in the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education at San Diego State University and  Visiting Senior Scholar in the Office of the Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver B.C.

Recent projects at CRMSE include a collaboration on Math Teaching Professional Communities for state community colleges systems in CA and WA; the Faculty Knowledge Exchange Networks program for the California community colleges; two NSF projects to create a national resource collection for developmental mathematics instruction and to integrate its use into institutional activities; and serving as Senior Partner for Network Growth at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Recent projects in Canada include three research team projects for the Higher Education Quality Council of OntarioHow Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education, Assessment for Improvement of Program-Level Learning Outcomes, Design Thinking Applied to Post-Secondary System Structure); two research team projects for the Council of Ontario Universities (Faculty Support for Teaching with Online Learning and Assessment Support for Teaching with Online Learning); and executive consultations on strategy for teaching and learning at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Thompson Rivers University, and Queen’s University in Canada.

Tom was formerly a professor, faculty development leader and institutional executive for teaching and learning support at two public research universities in Canada, where he won awards for teaching, research, faculty development and university/industry collaboration. Recent projects in the U.S. have included roles as Program Leader for the ELIXR program in the California State University Office of the Chancellor and as Chief Learning Officer of the MERLOT Network for faculty collaborations in online learning resources. Recent projects in Canada have included roles as Senior Research Director for the Knowledge Mobilization for Exemplary Teaching and learning at the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Associate Vice President for Learning Resources and Innovation at the University of Waterloo, and research theme co-leader in the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence in Tele-Learning.


Recent Publications

Gavilanez, P., Ortlieb, A. and T. Carey. Using a Value Cycle Framework to Analyze Teamwork Capability as a Learning Outcome in Interior Design Studio Courses, chapter accepted for Tucker, R. (ed) Teaching Teamwork in Design: Collaboration and Student Engagement in Design Education. Hershey PA: IGI Global Publishing. 2016.

Carey, T., Davis, A., Ferreras, S., & Porter, D. (2015).  Using Open Educational Practices to Support Institutional Strategic Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Scholarship. Open Praxis, 7(2), 161-171. doi:10.5944/openpraxis.7.2.201

​Goff, L., M. K. Potter, E. Pierre, T.T. Carey, A. Gullage, E. Kustra, R. Lee, V. Lopes, L. Marshal, L. Martin, J. Raffoul, A. Siddiqui, and G. Van Gastel. Learning Outcomes Assessment: A Practitioner’s Handbook. Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Research Report 13/14- 008, 2015.

Carey, T. and B. Carbol, Faculty Support for Teaching with Online Learning. Council of Ontario Universities Research Report, OOLI – 01, 2014.

Carbol, B. and T. Carey, Assessment Support for Teaching with Online Learning. Council of Ontario Universities Research Report, OOLI – 02, 2014.

Asera, R., T. Carey, M. Davis, W. Moore, C. Walker and S. Williams. Improving Mathematics Learning in Community Colleges: Building a Professional Community of Teachers, California Community Colleges Success Network and Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, May 2014.

Inside Higher Education weblog posts (in the Higher Ed Beta column):

Carey. T., “Perspectives on Quality Teaching in Higher Education: Learning Outcomes, Exemplar and Model”, invited foreword for Cases on Quality Teaching Practices in Higher Education, Diane Salter, Editor. IGI press, 2013.

Carey, T. and D. Trick, How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan and Review of the Literature. Higher Education Research Council, Research Report 12/13-003, 2013.

 Tom Carey

Thomas Carey
Research Professor
Teacher Education
(Associate Member)

CRMSE Address:
6475 Alvarado Rd. Suite 206

Email: [email protected]

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