InforMath Collaborative
Check the CRMSE in the News page for news stories about the InforMath Collaborative!
Press Release
InforMath Collaborative Launches in Balboa Park
SDSU’s CRMSE designing informal mathematics programs with art and science museums
San Diego, Calif. – Nov. 14, 2013 – San Diego State University’s Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE) kicked off a new four-year National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded initiative with the Balboa Park Learning Institute (BPLI) last week. The InforMath Collaborative is bringing together university researchers with staff from the Mingei International Museum, Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA), Reuben H. Fleet Science Center (Fleet) and Natural History Museum (theNAT) to design and implement new programs that connect visitors with mathematics in creative ways.
“Between now and mid-January, we’ll be working collaboratively to design experimental public programs and activities that connect mathematics to the collections at MOPA and Mingei,” said Molly Kelton, co-director of the InforMath Collaborative and CRMSE researcher. “This is a unique and exciting opportunity for us to work closely with art and science museum professionals to try and change the way our community perceives mathematics, to conduct periodic analysis on our progress, and to ultimately establish a research center for informal mathematics learning in the park.”
By mid-March 2014, the InforMath Collaborative will implement pilot projects for the public to participate in. CRMSE researchers will then review and analyze data from the pilot through September 2014, and prepare to launch a more extensive research and development lab including the Fleet, theNAT, Mingei and MOPA the following two years of the initiative.
“This is the first large-scale, multi-institution initiative of its kind giving mathematics, science and art professionals an opportunity to learn from each other and together come up with new and more expansive ways to draw the community into the park,” said Lisa Silagyi, BPLI director. “This will also give Balboa Park staff and San Diego STEM and art educators a new venue for professional development as well as new ideas to take back to the classroom.”
Principal investigator Ricardo Nemirovsky and co-principal investigators Molly Kelton of CRMSE and Paul Siboroski of the Fleet will be leading the InforMath Collaborative.
The Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE) is an interdisciplinary
community of scholars who are advancing mathematics and science education at local,
state and national levels. CRMSE supports collaboration between faculty in the College
of Sciences and College of Education at San Diego State University. CRMSE members
are engaged in research, curriculum development and dissemination, publications, presentations
and leadership roles in the San Diego community. Visit the CRMSE website for more information.
About Balboa Park Learning Institute
The Balboa Park Learning Institute is a professional education program and learning
community for staff and volunteers in arts, science, and cultural institutions. It
was launched by the 27 member institutions of the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership
in 2008 as part of collaborative efforts to achieve greater organizational efficiency,
innovation, and excellence. The Learning Institute is supported by a matching grant
from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services. For more information, visit
our website.